Publication Opportunity
*Selected papers will be published in international journal indexed by SCOPUS, WOS. All papers also has opportunity for publication in reputable international journal indexed by DOAJ, Google Scholar, EBSCO, Copernicus, etc.
*Terms and Condition applied (selected by scientific editorial and reviewer committee)
- Abstract proceeding book will be published in soft-file and online access
- Journal of Mechanics of Continua and Mathematical Sciences – Web of Science
- International Journal of Learning and Change – Scopus Q3
- International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education – Scopus Q3
- IJICC-International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change – Scopus (Q3)
- International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise – Scopus (Q4)
- GIS Business with ISSN no. 1430-3663 – Scopus (Q4)
- International Journal of Enterprise Network Management – Scopus (Q4)
- Humanities and Social Sciences Reviews – Scopus (Q4)
- Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities-Languages – Scopus (Q4)
- Transformatika – Index Copernicus
- Guidena: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, Psikologi, Bimbingan dan Konseling – Index Copernicus
- Information Management and Computer Science (IMCS) – Index Copernicus
- Malaysian E Commerce Journal – Index Copernicus
- Social Values and Society – Index Copernicus
- Education, Sustainability & Society (ESS) – Index Copernicus
- Fokus Konseling – DOAJ
- Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy- Ventura – DOAJ
- KINERJA (International Journal of Business and Economics) – DOAJ, Sinta 3
- International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship, Social Science and Humanities (IJMESH) – Google Scholar; Dimension
- International Journal of Theory and Application in Elementary and Secondary School Education (IJTAESE) – Google Scholar; Dimension
- International Journal of Emerging Issues in Early Childhood Education (IJEIECE) – Google Scholar; Dimension
- International Journal on Research in STEM Education (IJRSE) – Google Scholar; Dimension
- Journals affiliated to the conference can be seen in

All publications process conducted ethically based on RSF code of conduct and publications ethic guideline (Based on COPE). Please see in the website of RSF or Website of conferences to download the Ethic Guideline. All parties (Author, editor, conference chair, Scientific review committee) should follow the ethic guide.
RSF publications put forwards sustainability relationship between RSF-Author and RSF-Editor. Furthermore, RSF always hold trusted publications partner with reputable indexing.
RSF clearly announce the detail of publications process, timeline and information about the journal or publisher directly through email/ website or conference event. All the information of journal will be announce to all author/ participants after they passed the1st review stage (consist of plagiarism check and aligning aims and scope) through email. All author/ participants have the right to follow the recommendations of the RSF publications or not. If they agree with the recommendations, RSF publications will send the consent letter to all authors/ participants to proceed the next stage.
RSF publications trying to encourage all authors/ participants to follow all scientific process conducted by RSF publication and journals. RSF Publications apply some period of revision and reminder to all authors/ participants. RSF Publications collaboration with Research Synergy Institute facilitate scientific writing workshop all over universities in ASIA and other country to empower and enhance the scholars capacity and productivity.

Research Synergy Publication Process (Journal)